Friday, September 8, 2023

And Just When I thought... Diane Parkinson


My husband has coughed a lot. They finally found the source. Swollen lymph nodes. And there is cancer. I'm in a daze. He's losing it emotionally. We're a mess. Long drive back and forth to the hospital. Pray, dance around bonfires, call for the spirits. whatever might work.
Hanging by a thread, hoping for the best.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Gotta Rant, again, by Diane Scott Lewis



I'm so proud of this novel. I've promoted everywhere, unlike any other, but sales aren't good. I don't know why. Reviewers are loving it. Where are the readers?

I'd hoped to be a famous bestseller, okay, at least a mediocre seller, but not a terrible seller. I'm flummoxed.

Next rant, the falling apart body syndrome. I have Blepharitis to add to my other issues. I have to put warm compresses on my eyes twice a day. Then scrub my eyelids, then put gel drops in them. And this could go on indefinitely.

Dear Diary: Eyes, what did I ever do to you?

Last excitement then rant:

Trump was indicted for mishandling classified information. Tomorrow an arrest.

But his MAGA bootlickers are crying foul. They don't care what this con man does. "Let's start a civil war to protect this evil, narcissist." Why, I'll never figure it out.

He's a clown and a blow hard. He needs to be in jail.

What is his appeal? A great economy? So you put Satan in charge because he managed a great economy? NO, you don't.

Wake up, people.

What happened to our morals?

Okay, time to calm down and zen out.

What a country.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Still Slipping to the Stone Age, by Diane Scott Lewis or is it Parkinson

 I think I'm bi-polar, obsessive compulsive, and just plain nuts. Is there a pill for that? Sometimes I want to throw things at the wall.

Many red states are passing anti-abortion bills. Women will die trying to seek help anyway. I'm sick of these suppressors who call themselves Conservative.

Florida is the worst. Gov. de Santos bans books, black history, and of course, abortion. Floridians, rise up and depose him. He'll soon announce he's running for president. God help us.

Trump is also running, griping merrily along the way. Karma, where are you? This man is dangerous. He reveres Putin.

Dems, fight back, vote blue, and rid the U.S. of these scumbags.

That's my hope anyway.

My eyesight isn't great. Pain in the left eye each evening. I did better before the cataract surgery.

Okay, enough wails for today.

Love you all.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Computer Updates and back to Kvetching, by Diane Scott Lewis


My computer did massive updates and now my Printshop won't work. I'll have to reload it. When I have time to feel the frustration of things not loading properly.

I've never been called pretty, but no one wants to hear it.

So I'll put it here. In the navy we girls went to a dance. Everyone at my table was picked to dance, except me. I finally got up and left. Humiliating.

When I first started dating my husband, some guy confronted me and told me you should have seen his previous girlfriend, she was so beautiful. Insult. And what was the point?

Once cruising with my friends as a teen, a guy ran up to our car and said he liked all my friends, but didn't know about me. Not like he was any prize. More insults.

Why do people have to keep pointing out that I'm not pretty? I'll never understand it. I have value even without the superficialness of pretty on the outside.

Beauty is an unearned privilege. A good, intelligent person should matter, too.

Here's me with my still best friend, tall and lanky. About ten, maybe

Okay, got that off my chest.

Oh, wait, elementary school. A girl told me I reminded her of her friend. When the friend heard it, she said to me, "please don't tell anyone."


I wish I'd had the witty comebacks I needed for all these times.

I need a pause button, as in I can't believe you said that, what is my witty comeback?

I see pics of me in high school, and I think I looked just fine. I'm second from the right in this picture.

That's the rant for the day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Let's Talk Blessings for a Change, by Diane Scott Lewis


I read thru all my previous posts and OMG, I do kvetch too much on the same stuff.

How about shaking it up and talk of what I'm thankful for? Not to worry, I'll be back to bitching soon.

I'm thankful for a warm house and bed. Having my husband with me, though we love to annoy one another.

Here we are in 2019 at the deserted base.

We traveled to Greece in 2019 to the area, Nea Makri, where we met in the navy in 1974.

I'm blessed to have two sons, though we've had our highs and lows.

Younger son, Jeffry, at his wedding.

Oldest son Christopher with my dog Fritzie

And I'm blessed to have had great friends throughout my life (forget the ones who caused pain and were toxic)

My oldest friend is still in my life, and I love her so much.

Candy and me, ten and twelve, I think.

I was fortunate to have had a brother for the first 24 years of my life, but drugs took him too soon. Miss you so much, Scotty!

Now I'm double blessed to have two lively, beautiful granddaughters, and for that I'm so grateful.

Nothing is perfect, don't I know it. But keep on keeping on.

Next post, more bitching I'm sure. It's good for the soul to release the angst. LOL

Monday, February 6, 2023

And the crap goes on, by Diane Scott Lewis

 Okay, my first post from my Kindle. How to upload a picture?  Hmmmm, it didn't work.

Here's a pic of my snuggy. She's a stunner!

My first bitch, that asshole Trump is running again for president. Why won't he disappear and leave America to the sane people?

Sadly, there's too many deluded idiots that love him. Why? Scratch the surface of this malignant man and there is nothing but selfishness, it's all about him, always. He wants to destroy the country. He wants to be a tyrant. And his followers blindly follow.

They want power and care nothing about the good of the U.S.

They care nothing about the good of the world. They deny there is even a war in Ukraine! Those refugees are all actors. Seriously. What is wrong with you? Even my husband's family adores this psychopath.

I guess that is my only bitch today.

You'll see Trumpettes, he will take you down.

Fingers crossed he's indicted soon.