Sunday, March 20, 2022

We're on the Verge of WWIII

 I'm not kidding. Russia is ramping up its attack on Ukraine. Putin wants the former Soviet Union back. They're asking China to help in the destruction. Biden asked them not to.

I don't trust these Commies!

Should we give Alaska back to Russia? Mexico might reclaim Texas and California. Is Spain looking for Florida?

World leaders can be such assholes.

Nuclear power will devastate everything, not just your enemy. 

Should I measure for the bomb shelter? Or will hazmat suits be the new fashion statement.

I need a cave!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2022

A Quarter of Shock and Change

 Geez, I looked back at my posts and there's so much angst. But I need to get it out of me. A death of someone I spoke to every day, cataract surgery and now I see strange lights at the edges of my vision. Then a bad cold, twice, as if once wasn't enough.

Working on my WWII novel and hopefully it won't get lost in the sea of such novels already out there. Amazon is constantly suggesting more for me to read.

German U-boat

Feeling guilty because I miss my dog more than my mother. But she'd stopped being my mother years ago in her own bitterness.

We are an effed up family, lol.

A rhetorical question, why do people constantly tell me I'm unattractive? Does that happen to everyone, or is it just me? It's not like I don't have a mirror, mother effers. And none of these 'tellers' are attractive. So WTH?

Russia is bombing the hell out of Ukraine, but if we call for a No Fly Zone, we could start WWIII.

War is a way of life, if only life will be left when it's over. I was born during the Korean War, then the Bay of Pigs came along, Vietnam, Aphganistan, the Gulf War, and so on. There are always dictators that think they can attack and take, and we, the USA, seems the savoir of all. Though it doesn't always work out that way.

Now off to the tax man who will tell me my writing isn't a business but merely a hobby since I don't make diddly squat. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

January is the Cruelest Month


My mom died last January, my DILs mom died in January, and my close friend Kathy died this January. And so did my friend's mom in Oregon.

A New Year brings deaths, some expected, some not, but all difficult.

We say be grateful for the time we had, but our body still finds it hard to deal with the big empty hole that's left.

It will pass, as we grow used to it. But every day I think I would love to tell her, she would love to hear this, I sure wish we could have the time over to discuss, and so it goes.

Now it's March and we're in the middle of a snowstorm. For fun here's a previous snowstorm where I injected my old pal Bernie. Unfortunately I'm in the pic, and I can't delete the tropical joke of it.

Anyway, that's how I'm rolling today. Someday I'll look back on this and wonder, What was Wrong With Me. LOL

Prayers to all the people in Ukraine and their fight for freedom!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Just more Rants, Reviews and Russia, by Diane Scott Lewis

 Today I read a rave review from the HNS for an author's work which I'd helped critique. It was a good story, but 'thrilling' wasn't what I would say. It struck me as a punch in the gut that I never got rave reviews from the HNS. And I've been an active participator in that group almost from the beginning.

Am I jealous, you betcha. Should I throw in the pen? Naw. Do I need question marks here??? Yes!

I'm still smarting over the review for my The Apothecary's Widow, 'slow, no action', but no mention of my stellar research into an 18th c. apothecary. WTF?

Of course, it's based on the opinions of the reviewers. Shall I say, mine had no taste, lol.

To add to my selfish misery, Russia invaded Ukraine, and is bombing the shit out of their cities. All for an autocrat who wants more territory. Hello, Putin, Russia is huge enough! Are we on the verge of WWIII? I pray we are not.

Ukraine has resources this tyrant wants, and he is a bit insane. And our own home-grown jerk, the Former Guy, is praising him. His base is still slavering all over him, too. Our country has gone to shit, there's no doubt.

Putin wants the former territory of Russia. Will he come after Alaska next?

Covid seems to be letting up, we hope. So many right-wingers whined about their Freedoms, that mask mandates are being recalled. Let's hope it won't put our children, my grandchildren, in danger.

My other rant is I sent info for a blog to a blogger weeks ago. And she's just now 'looking' at it, the blog a few days away, and guess what. She needs changes! I call it, People not Doing Their Jobs. 

Since Kathy's death, which still stuns me, though I knew it was coming, I have no one to rant and rave to. My blog must suffer the pain.

Pray and chant for America, the world, and my sanity!