Sunday, November 27, 2022

Oz Defeated, the Red Wave that was a trickle, by Diane Scott Lewis

Thanks goodness people came out to vote, defeated OZ and that right-wing nut job, Mastriani. Dems still control the senate.There is hope in the world. Sadly, Putin is still trying to flatten Ukraine, though many of his troops have deserted.

Trump had dinner with Kanya West, an anti-Semite, and a white supremist leader named Fuentes...isn't that Hispanic? All madmen. Why can't his fans see his clay feet?

Our world continues on its nightmare course.

I'm finally on the Stop-the-Pee meds, with minimum success. We might build a half bath onto our bedroom. That will help a lot.

Now I have a cold, to top off the fun and games. But I'm not being bombed out of my home, having my electric grid wiped out, and I'm still here.

If everyone stuck to their own countries, cared about fairness and not power, what a wonderful world it would be. But I guess that has never been so.

I still wake up with anxiety most mornings. I wish I knew why. The MS attacking, maybe?

It's pouring rain, and my youngest grandgirl is coming to spend the night. I hope I can keep up with her!

Okay, this pic is pretty old, but aren't we cute?

Another Bitch-a-thon post from me, because I CAN!