Monday, January 25, 2021

A New Year 2021 Good or Bad?

 I haven't blogged in five months. So much has happened. First my mom passed away on January 5th. We had a conflicted relationship. I wished we'd been closer, but she always managed to stick a needle into me instead of supporting me. 

I was no angel, but as adults we should have mended our ragged relationship. I'm sure I've mentioned the smack with the purse on the Catano Ferry. I'm still confused on that one. Anyway, she'd gotten so frail at the home over 2,000 miles away in California. Could hardly see, hardly hear, it was difficult to talk over the phone. Once she didn't remember me, but I tried to be a duck and let it slide off my back.

Love to her since she was my mom and was a good one in my childhood years.

We have a new president, finally. The four awful years of Trump are over, a man who lied his way through our highest office; cheated, put incompetent Yes men in offices so he could get his way. Joe Biden is our new president. He'll try to heal our fractured country. I'm so thrilled to welcome him and his lovely wife, Jill, who doesn't pose naked, into the White House.

The Covid virus is sill rampaging through our country, and the world, but anti-maskers (Trump supporters) still refuse to wear masks. More damage from the Liar in Chief. He's being impeached a second time. How did people ever allow such a horrible man to rise so high?

I'm home schooling my youngest granddaughter. She's a character. Stubborn, easily distracted. She makes me write her paragraph in 'reading' while she organized my messy bookcase. I realize her evil scheme, LOL.

Last, but not least, the Bernie Meme has taken over the internet, and of course, I had to join in.

Diane lives as a Hermit (Covid) in Western Pennsylvania with her husband and one naughty puppy.