Saturday, July 17, 2021

Delta Variant and Intestines

 Just when the vaccinated crew, of which I am a member, will be allowed out to play, a new virus variant 'Delta' attacks the earth. This is so dystopian. Now people who are properly vaccinated are falling ill and ending up in hospitals.

Really bad rendition of Covid-19. 

I blame the other morons who refuse to get the vaccine. Mainly Republicans who have politicized the vaccine, thanks to the Orange Menace, Trump. Though he and his trophy wife secretly got vaccinated.

His company is indicted, and hopefully he'll be next. Why so many are his lap dogs is a puzzle that boggles the mind.

All they have to do is check the facts at reputable fact-check places, and voila, they will know what a corrupt, lack of empathy, piece of skita he is.

On another, very important subject, my husband got a bad test back from the Colaguard. He could have colon cancer, but we're praying he does not. His next test is tomorrow morning.

I thought I was handling it well, but inside my body is screaming!

But I must wait for the results and not go off the rails.