Monday, February 6, 2023

And the crap goes on, by Diane Scott Lewis

 Okay, my first post from my Kindle. How to upload a picture?  Hmmmm, it didn't work.

Here's a pic of my snuggy. She's a stunner!

My first bitch, that asshole Trump is running again for president. Why won't he disappear and leave America to the sane people?

Sadly, there's too many deluded idiots that love him. Why? Scratch the surface of this malignant man and there is nothing but selfishness, it's all about him, always. He wants to destroy the country. He wants to be a tyrant. And his followers blindly follow.

They want power and care nothing about the good of the U.S.

They care nothing about the good of the world. They deny there is even a war in Ukraine! Those refugees are all actors. Seriously. What is wrong with you? Even my husband's family adores this psychopath.

I guess that is my only bitch today.

You'll see Trumpettes, he will take you down.

Fingers crossed he's indicted soon. 

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