Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Beginnings of Endings

 Yesterday I learned that my good, close, cyber friend, Kathy, is in hospice. Her bone cancer spread to the brain. She's despondent, refuses visitors, and has turned off her phone. 

We 'talked' every day, over email. A big hole in my life when she's gone (because it's all about me, of course). She loved my dark humor; hers was the same.

I'm in touch with her husband, who has his own issues, a back thrown out from lifting her after one of her falls. He's basically alone, can't drive, so can't visit.

They're in Texas, or I would drive out to help. Wave from the parking lot to her, like a crazy person. Which she knows I am.

How much time? I thought she had more. 

I also packed up my Mom's stuff out of the files, into a box to store. It's been almost a year since she died. Our relationship was difficult, for reasons only she knows, or knew.

Anyway, why do good people die, when evil ones still walk the Earth?

Without Kathy to type to everyday, I may be posting more on this Blog.

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