Thursday, January 6, 2022

My friend passed, hubs having symptoms, life in chaos

 Kathy Pym, a beautiful, generous  person, died of bone cancer on January 3rd. Gone too soon, at 72. She had so much life left in her, and talent in her historical writing.

I'm heartbroken. We emailed every day. There's a huge hole left in my life. But at least I have a life, eh.

She fell on Christmas day, withdrew, and turned off her phone. I never got to say goodbye.. At least her husband was with her, holding her hand. Here is Kathy sprinkled in Fairy Dust.

Yesterday I had cataract surgery on my right eye. The place was backed up due to a tech. calling in with a fever. Possible Covid, the virus that keeps on evolving. Two years we've been under its ugly plague. Finally, with vaccines ready last year, I thought the end to our suffering was near.

Nope, too many idiots refused the vaccine on idiotic grounds. "My freedom of choice". Really, then why does Texas want to take away a woman's choice? This world is effed up.

Today is the anniversary of the Attack on the Capitol. The Right still insists it was a peaceful protest. Yeah, smashing windows, five people dead, how peaceful is that?

I'm so disgusted with these Trumpers, who believe everything Don the Con says. Corrupt is his middle name.

Me and Kathy firing on the virus.

I hope soon he's thrown in jail where he belongs. Here's my rendering of him. Kathy and I called him Sludge. 

STILL, DAMMIT. She loved my dark humor. Hers was the same.

Now, hubs is having intestinal problems. Blood in his stool. Fingers and toes crossed that everything is okay.

That will be another blog.